The efficient management of the University's records and information is necessary to support its core functions, to comply with its legal and regulatory obligations, and to contribute to the effective management of its activities.
The Information Compliance Office has issued a Statement of Records Management Practice and Master Records Retention Schedule. The latest version was issued in October 2021.
The Statement sets out the University's framework for the management of its records. The Schedule provides recommendations to University Institutions on minimum retention periods for various classes of records, including an indication of those records that are or might be suitable for permanent preservation within the University Archives at the University Library. Institutions are strongly encouraged to follow these recommendations which have been formulated in the context of existing University policies and guidelines, national legislation and sector-wide best practice standards.
The Estates Division has issued a separate Records Retention Schedule, which covers records relating to estates and buildings, equipment and environmental matters. This was fully revised and reissued in March 2018, and was last updated in December 2023.
If you have a query on any aspect of records management that is not answered in the publications above, please contact the Information Compliance Office.