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The Information Compliance Office has developed a Data Protection Annual Compliance Checklist for University Faculties, Departments, Divisions and other Institutions.  The checklist sets out a number of practical ‘housekeeping’ actions to be completed on an annual basis by individual University departments to help ensure their ongoing compliance with data protection law.


Checklist for 2023-24

The checklist for the academic year 2023-24 was issued in April 2024.  The actions in the Checklist largely are the same as the previous year but there are some changes to the mechanics of the return and to the feedback/follow-up arrangements. All departments that are expected to complete and return a Checklist are being contacted directly and are asked to submit a completed copy to the Information Compliance Office by Friday 26 July 2024.

Briefing sessions took place on MS Teams in early/mid May; the slides from these are available


Past checklists

These past versions are retained for reference but should no longer be used.



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